Tim and Michele Welch Family

Tim and Michele Welch Family
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth . . . and love one another."

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...

The stake Christmas party is always a lot of fun.

Obviously everyone enjoys coming as much as I do since they usually have 95% or more of those invited attend. This year the Stake Young Men's Presidency had all of the bishop's dress up and sing Feliz Navidad...a real hit. The stake presidency and wives sang "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" with choreography by Sherri Rogers. I admit it was a bit "painful" especially when I looked out into the expressions on the faces of the audience....but it was a fun night being with so many great friends and people from our stake.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

More Blessings of 2009

The Glow of Returned Missionaries...

I loved Mikey's report about his mission. He said that in his mission the definition for diligence was "doing in a time of weakness what we promised to do in a time of strength."
Becca was missed by everyone, especially all of the little kids. Her beauty and her vivacious personality endeared her to fellow missionaries and leaders. Unfortunately she may never know how many investigators she helped to influence since she saw them for only a few minutes at a time in the tours they gave in Nauvoo.

They were greeted by a large group of family. A few minutes later, Grandma and Johnny returned home from a visit to see Alyssa and Spencer for Isaac's birthday. They went to Disneyland and had a great time. Reunions are wonderful. And once those missionaries come home, it seems like they were never gone. Absence certainly makes the heart grow fonder.

A Season of Gratitude

This past Thanksgiving week reminded me of the many incredible blessings we have received as a family during the past year. The first I want to mention is the fact that the Allridge family has had five missionaries serving at the same time. Becca and Mikey Alexander came home from their missions together on Nov. 21st. Mikey served in Iowa and Becca served in Nauvoo. They were both wonderful and dedicated missionaries and represent eight returned missionaries from Denise and Allen's family!