Tim and Michele Welch Family

Tim and Michele Welch Family
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth . . . and love one another."

Sunday, September 19, 2010

"He's My Favorite!"

When Sharalee asked Rosa if she would like to go up to the cabin with their family OR stay overnight with Grandma and Grandpa so she could go to Emery's birthday party, she quickly responded, "Oh I want to go stay with GRANDPA...he's my favorite! (No surprise there.) Rosa definitely got her bucket filled by grandpa this weekend. He played games, took her on 2 bike rides to get ice cream, did crafts, the whole nine yards. Now if she could just play golf. There is nothing that warms my heart more than watching Tim play with the grandkids. Rosa, he's MY favorite too!

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