Tim and Michele Welch Family

Tim and Michele Welch Family
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth . . . and love one another."

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day of Service 2010 Ft. Myers, FL Stake, "Immokalee Beautification Proje...

What a nice surprise to see this video tonight with Aaron and other missionaries in it! He is shown at three different times: 5:47, 6:20 and 8:00. You've got to love the green paint on his face. Six more weeks and he will be home. Happy day!

1 comment:

  1. Mom,
    You are the best blogger! These were the most darling posts! I was just thinking something when I was reading what you said about not worrying as much about your adult children. You don't have to worry because you and dad have taught us how to make it through our trials...but even still...you are right there helping us still as adults and mentoring us and teaching us every step of the way. We would be nothing without you!

    Keep up the darling blog. I love it!
