Tim and Michele Welch Family

Tim and Michele Welch Family
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth . . . and love one another."

Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's Not Augusta But It's Pretty Heavenly

Last week, I wanted to walk the Thanksgiving Point Garden before I meet with President Holland about the Women's Walk. I know the men in the family think Augusta is next to heaven, but I have to say that one of my favorite places is still the gardens at Thanksgiving Point where nearly ten years ago, Hilary and I had our special walk together. Tim and I took Wiley, Rosa, Eva and Hazel and jaunted through at quite a pace, since it was a little chilly. We stopped by the "Secret Garden" for a picnic but once Eva climbed into the fountain, we knew it was time to keep moving. Rosa, my mom and I went back again yesterday. I think it is quite divine.


  1. i love those pictures. Thanks for having the kids that night.

  2. Michele, what did I miss? President Holland - can't wait for an update.

  3. I love the gardens there too, remember...that I where I asked Becca to marry me! (after your suggestion to go there INSTEAD of the football stadium at BYU).


    PS: good luck w/Elder Holland
